Installation view of Distilled: Contemporary Abstraction at NSC Art Gallery, Seattle, WA 2022.
Distilled: Contemporary Abstraction
In the art world the word abstraction is slippery in its meaning and the category is large. There are many connotations. It presumes many different visions and ways of working all pulled out of the representational world and distinct. For this exhibition we look toward work that takes a concept to its core with a clarified aspect. But even in the included pieces by these seven artists there are many ways of working. For some it might be a considered simplification, the concept distilled to its essential parts, whittled down. For some they submerge themselves in a place or ingest a researched idea distilling it to its essential parts, iterating and perhaps reiterating it after much time circling the mind. For all of the included artists what you are seeing is an offering of something of the repeated trace of the original idea. Whether simple or complex in its aspect each is made with a highly considered touch or gesture, honed.
Participating Artists:
Lydia Bassis
Avantika Bawa
Susan Belau
Sue Danielson
Carole d’Inverno
Sara Osebold
Megan Prince
NSC Art Gallery (how to visit)
November 14, 2022 – January 13, 2023