Seeing Remnants in Life, consists of Impermanent (red Sharpie on photography seamless, 80x105 inches, 2022), and Red Ratchet Strap Remnant Relationship (RRSRR, reclaimed red ratchet straps, 92x339 inches, 2023) a reconfigurable multi-component fibers sculpture. Impermanent is the largest work in my 1,000 Paintings of Love series, each unique piece points to the individuality and importance of each of us in this life. RRSRR, from my Remnant Relationship series, uses remnant materials as a micro look at what we consider as cast-offs in society; a vehicle to think about what we consider unusable or garbage.
Additional Events for Seeing Remnants in Life:
Studio Visit: Sunday, February 19, 2023 from 2-4pm at the Kirkland Library.
Virtual Book Club: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 from 6-7pm; join us on Instagram LIVE. We will be discussing Circe by Miller, Madeline Check my companion book list for an insight into what inspires me!
Friendship Bracelet Workshop: Sunday, March 19, 2023 from 1-3pm at the Kirkland Library (Registration is requested, but not required.)
This project is supported, in part, by a grant from 4Culture.