Megan Prince: Tied, Together, Port of Seattle, Pier 69, Seattle, WA - December 1 through May 31
Two Things Are True, Distortion Society, Beacon, NY - December 14 through February 1 (group)
Please Touch: Together, Breaking Barriers, King Street Station, Seattle, WA - October 3 through January 4 (group)
ARCADE: Weaving a New Kind of Seattle Art Fair - FALL 2024 (print and online)
Fiber Arts Now: Fiber Reimagined II - Summer 2024 (print)

Mini Mart City Park AIR Pilot Artist, Seattle, October thru November 2024
Public Artist Roster, Washington State Arts Commission (2023-25)
Public Artist Roster, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (2024-26)
Recology AIR, Seattle, Finalist 2024


Build Time at Prairie Underground, Seattle, WA 2023. MORE EXHIBITIONS HERE


Pain to Power - Highlands Current
Weaving a New Kind of Seattle Art Fair” - ARCADE
“ArtSEA: The streets are alive with the sights of Seattle Art Fair” - Crosscut
“A Place to Gather” - Fiber Arts Now
”7 art shows to see in Seattle in June 2023” - The Seattle Times
”ArtSEA: Seattle artists are sending textile messages” - Crosscut
”Local Buy Nothing groups rely on gift economy to cut waste, grow community” - The Seattle Times
”ArtSEA: Swaddle yourself in soft Seattle art” - Crosscut

Performance view of Megan Prince’s Ruts of Repetition with her Spinning Lines installation for Howl with Forest For the Trees at RailSpur, Seattle, WA 2022.

Whenever possible Megan Prince chooses to reuse and rework material rather than use new material, feeling that as a creative person she is called to use what is at-hand in our culture, where we have so much excess. Reuse is a way for her to not take physical items and people for granted and contemplate how we can truly work together in our daily lives. Leading the viewer toward introspection of human tendencies Prince’s social practice includes work on paper, soft sculpture, installation and performance.