Dear Friends,
I am accepting donations for my soft sculptures, Jean Bodies. Did you know it takes around 80 pairs of jeans for me to make each of these large sculptures? That’s a lot of jeans.
I have been collecting used denim in all colors in collaboration with individuals for the past several years. Before the pandemic this year, I had begun speeding up the collection process by purchasing jeans from stores like Goodwill but stopped due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I still don’t feel safe resuming my shopping and your collaboration in forwarding this project would be helpful. The jeans can be in any shape, including rips or stains. If you are unable to launder before you donate please let me know. No donation is too small.
I especially need black and gray tone jeans currently for two sculptures that are currently in process.
I keep a running list of my donors/collaborators for this project. I plan to share the donor list when I exhibit these pieces. I would love to add your name to the list, however if you prefer to not be publicly included let me know when you donate. This list of donors speaks to the community of people making these sculptures possible.
If you would like to donate jeans please email me through my contact page.
Thank you for supporting this project.
THESE ARE MY PEOPLE, THESE ARE MY FRIENDS (DETAIL), 2020, reclaimed and cut denim, 8x156x60