Hi Friends,

My art practice, and specifically my Jean Bodies sculpture EVERY DAY LOOK AT THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU WITH DIGNITY, will be featured in an upcoming print addition of Life on Venus magazine exploring Sustainable Fashion. Life on Venus is a conversational magazine who aims to influence positive change by having open conversations.

As many of you know, I have been working on a series of textile sculptures, titled Jean Bodies, made from reclaimed jeans. The reuse of used denim jeans in my project speaks directly to sustainable fashion. People all over the world wear jeans and the style of jeans shifts every season causing them to be cast aside for the new style generating huge amounts of waste.

EVERY DAY LOOK AT THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU WITH DIGNITY, 2018, donated and cut denim jeans, 4x36x150

EVERY DAY LOOK AT THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU WITH DIGNITY, 2018, donated and cut denim jeans, 4x36x150

Stay tuned for the print. In the meantime you can check out the magazine and what they are doing here. You can also check out their instagram and facebook. Enjoy!

These Are My People, These Are My Friends at the Kirkland Art Center!

Hi Friends,

I am pleased to announce that my Jean Bodies sculpture, These Are My People, These Are My Friends, has been selected for the upcoming exhibition Interdependence at the Kirkland Art Center.

As of right now there are no plans for a reception. If vaccinations continue as planned and the CDC begins to allow for larger gatherings there may be a closing event. I will update here if that happens so check back for more information.

Interdependence Exhibition Dates: May 27 - July 31st, 2021

These Are My People, These Are My Friends, 2020, reclaimed and cut denim, 8x156x60

These Are My People, These Are My Friends, 2020, reclaimed and cut denim, 8x156x60

In the meantime if you are on the east side stop by and see my sculpture in the exhibition. If you would like to meet up socially distanced at the exhibition drop me a line. The Kirkland Art Center is adhering to CDC protocol so make sure you wear a mask when you visit. I look forward to hearing from you!

Jean Bodies Update

Dear Friends,

I am accepting donations for my soft sculptures, Jean Bodies. Did you know it takes around 80 pairs of jeans for me to make each of these large sculptures? That’s a lot of jeans.

I have been collecting used denim in all colors in collaboration with individuals for the past several years. Before the pandemic this year, I had begun speeding up the collection process by purchasing jeans from stores like Goodwill but stopped due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I still don’t feel safe resuming my shopping and your collaboration in forwarding this project would be helpful. The jeans can be in any shape, including rips or stains. If you are unable to launder before you donate please let me know. No donation is too small.

I especially need black and gray tone jeans currently for two sculptures that are currently in process.

I keep a running list of my donors/collaborators for this project. I plan to share the donor list when I exhibit these pieces. I would love to add your name to the list, however if you prefer to not be publicly included let me know when you donate. This list of donors speaks to the community of people making these sculptures possible.

If you would like to donate jeans please email me through my contact page.

Thank you for supporting this project.

THESE ARE MY PEOPLE, THESE ARE MY FRIENDS (DETAIL), 2020, reclaimed and cut denim, 8x156x60

THESE ARE MY PEOPLE, THESE ARE MY FRIENDS (DETAIL), 2020, reclaimed and cut denim, 8x156x60

Writings on the Wall inspires choreographer Arron Masters

Check out how Arron Masters of Master Musings interprets my site-specific installation Writings on the Wall. Her review of my installation spurred a collaboration to create Writings Converged. Check out the resulting video below!

Dancing by Ellie Harrison, visual art by Megan Prince, digital compositing by Tom Eaton, videography by Ryan Simms at Radio Tag, choreography by Arron Masters.

Art for Choose 180's New Offices

I'm excited to share that my piece Finding Hope (2018, mixed media on BFK, 42" x 78") will be installed at Choose 180's new offices. This large work on paper is about choosing to search for hope in the midst of adversity. There is no better place for it to have a home than Choose 180 where young people choose each day to pivot and find new hope.

Visit this piece when Choose 180 moves into their new offices this summer 2019.

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